German title: Harvey und der Käpt’n Francaise title: Capitaines courageux Spain title: Capitán coraje Russian title: Капитан Кураж Original title: Captains Courageous
Alternative titles: Captain Courageous | Отважные капитаны | Capitanes intrépidos
Adventure movie – USA Production year: 1995 Movie length: 89 minutes
Director: Michael Anderson Writer: Rudyard Kipling, John McGreevey Cinematograph: Glen MacPherson Music: Claude Desjardins, Eric Robertson (Eric N. Robertson)
Movie description:
Harvey Cheyne Jr., second richest person in the world, orphaned and spoiled rotten, encounters a cigar and the sea on his way to England for boarding school. Seasick, over the rail for real, rescued by Dan Troop of a Gloucester fishing sailboat. Three months at sea, under a firm but fair Captain Troop (fair wages of $10.50 a month, if you don’t work you don’t eat). A hard life and a dangerous one, and a lot of growing up to do through hardship and tragedy.